You can do the shoulder horizontal adduction with both arms.

Lie down on your back with your knees bent. Keep your back and neck in a straight line. Your feet should be flat on the floor, with your feet and knees shoulder-width apart. Use a one-, two-, or three-pound free weight in each hand during this exercise.

Extend your arms away from your body, resting them on the floor. Hold a weight in each hand, palms facing the ceiling.

Without bending your elbows, slowly raise both arms straight up above your body until you can bring your palms together.

Hold this position for about six seconds. 

I like to do some wrist circles before using weights.

Wrist Circles

Move your wrists in a circular motion, and then switch directions. You can add a few ups and downs or pumps to stretch the lower muscles further. Repeat 8-10 times.


Use a flexible ball that is a bit larger than your palm. Your exercise ball should not be heavy and should offer some resistance to your grip.

Sit or stand while maintaining good posture—keep your back and neck straight and your shoulders relaxed.

Grasp your exercise ball lightly between your palm and fingers. Extend your arm in front of you, holding your arm higher than your heart.

While keeping your arm elevated, squeeze the ball with your fingers as tightly as you can. Hold the squeeze for about three seconds, then release.

Repeat the ball squeeze exercise five to seven times.

Lymphedema Exercises

Before starting any exercises involving weights or resistance, it is highly recommended that you consult with a doctor or a lymphedema specialist. 

This precaution is important to prevent any potential harm or complications that may arise.


To perform the elbow flexion exercise, hold a one—, two—, or three-pound free weight in each hand and bend your arms. You can do this with both arms.

You can sit or stand while performing this exercise, but make sure to maintain good posture. Keep your back and neck straight while relaxing your shoulders. Hold a two-pound free weight in each hand with your palm facing up and rest your hands on your lap.

Slowly bend your elbows and lift both hands towards your chest. Once your hands reach the halfway point, stop lifting and hold that position for approximately six seconds.

After that, slowly lower your hands back down to your lap and rest for a bit. Repeat this exercise 10 times, always moving gently.

For these next exercises, I use 3 pound weights.

Depending on your level of fitness, you can use either one-, two-, or three-pound weights. It's best to start off with lower weights.

You will also need:

Your compression sleeve

A small flexible ball

A hard chair to sit on

An area big enough to lie down on

These are just a few of the exercises I do to help with my lymphedema. If you are struggling with swelling or any other lymphedema symptoms, I highly recommend seeing a lymphedema specialist for a personalized program and possibly lymphatic massages to help you on this journey. 

Begin and end every exercise session with breathing exercises to enhance lymph fluid movement and promote relaxation.

Deep Breathing

Place your hands on your belly and gently press them inwards. As you inhale deeply, you will notice your belly expanding. Repeat this exercise 4-5 times for best results.

Neck Rotations 
To activate your head and neck lymph nodes in a gentle manner, stand up straight and look over your right shoulder and then back to the center. Repeat the same thing by looking over your left shoulder and coming back to the center again. You can repeat this exercise 8-10 times in each direction for better results.

Shoulder Rolls 
Lift your shoulders up towards your ears and then roll them back down. Keep moving your shoulders in a big circular motion, making the movement as large as possible. If it feels good, switch the direction of the movement. Repeat this process 8 to 10 times in each direction.

Trunk Side Bends
To stretch your sides, stand up straight and tilt your entire torso to the right, feeling a stretch on your left side. Return to the center and tilt to the left to stretch your right side. If you want to increase the stretch, raise your arm above your head when you tilt. Repeat this sequence 8 to 10 times on each side.